• Akıllı mercek denilen trifokal lensler hakkında

    Trifokal göz içi lensleri, bilhassa katarakt ameliyatı sonrası yahut presbiyopi (yakın görme bozukluğu) tedavisinde kullanılan yapay lenslerdir. Bu lensler, göze kalıcı olarak yerleştirilerek yakın, orta ve uzak aralarda net görmeyi sağlar.

  • Dışlanmanın gizli sebebi: narsistik kişilik özellikleri ve sosyal izolasyon

    Hepimiz bir formda toplumda kabul edilmek isteriz fakat kimi beşerler, bilhassa narsistik kişilik özellikleri taşıyanlar, dışlanma konusunda daha fazla zorlanabiliyor. Pekala, narsist bireyler neden daha sık dışlanıyor ve bu durum kişilik özelliklerini nasıl etkiliyor? Bu yazımda sizlere Şubat 2025 basımlı yeni yayınlanmış bir makaleyi* referans alarak narsisizmin dışlanma ile bağlantısının nasıl olduğunu anlatmaya çalışacağım.

  • İnsan olmak: inanç ve psikoloji arasında ruhsal dayanıklılık

    Hayatta karşılaştığımız zorluklarla nasıl başa çıkabiliriz? Bazen kendimizi karanlık bir tünelin içinde kaybolmuş üzere hissederiz. Ruhsal meşakkatler yaşadığımızda, “Benim imanım mı zayıf?” yahut “Neden bu kadar güçsüz hissediyorum?” üzere sorular aklımıza gelebilir. Halbuki hem psikoloji hem de İslam bize gösteriyor ki acı ve zorluk, insan olmanın bir parçasıdır—ama onlarla baş etmenin yolları vardır!

  • Ramazan ve öfke

    Ramazan ayı, oruç tutan bireyler için yalnızca fizikî değil, tıpkı vakitte ruhsal bir imtihandır. Oruç sırasında açlık, susuzluk ve uyku sistemindeki değişiklikler, bilhassa günün ilerleyen saatlerinde sabrı zorlayabilir ve öfke denetimini daha da değerli hale getirebilir.

  • Çocuklarda kekemeliğin psikolojik sebepleri

    Çocuklarda kekemelik, genetik ve nörolojik faktörlerin yanı sıra ruhsal sebeplerle de ortaya çıkabilir yahut şiddetlenebilir.

  • Urodynamic evaluation of acute effects of sildenafil on voiding among males with erectile dysfunction and symptomatic benign prostate

    Urodynamic evaluation of acute effects of sildenafil on voiding among males with erectile dysfunction and symptomatic benign prostate Abstract To evaluate the acute effects of sildenafil citrate on micturition of men with erectile dysfunction and symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia using urodynamic parameters. Materials and methods: Between June and December 2009, a total of 50 patients over the age of 40 participated in the study. The patients were admitted to our hospital with erectile dysfunction and moderate to severe lower urinary symptoms with benign prostatic hyperplasia. To examine the sexual function of the participants, we used the IIEF-5 Sexual Health Inventory for Men questionnaire. Patients were randomly divided into 2 groups: a treatment group and a control group. A basal urodynamic evaluation was performed in both groups. After the urodynamic evaluation, 50 mg of sildenafil was given to the patients in the control group and 1 h later a second evaluation was perform

  • A new anthropometric measurement of penile length and its relation to second and fourth digital lengths

    Abstract The development of digits is under the control of Hox genes, which also control the differentiation of the urogenital system. In the present study we evaluated the association between penile length and lengths of the second and fourth digits. Materials and methods: In this study, 1028 Turkish male primary school children from the Eastern Mediterranean Region of Turkey were included. Weight and height measurements were obtained in order to calculate the body mass index (BMI). Flaccid and stretched length of the penis was measured. The lengths of the second and fourth digits of the right hands were measured. Statistical analyses were performed with descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation analysis. Results: A significant correlation was found between the following parameters: the length of the second digit with flaccid and stretched length of the penis (r = 0.166 and r = 0.276, respectively; P < 0.01); and the length of the fourth digits with flaccid and stretched length

  • Improvement of monosymptomatic enuresis after adenotonsillectomy in children with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

    Abstract To investigate the prevalence of monosymptomatic enuresis (ME) in children diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) and the rate of resolution or improvement in enuresis following adenotonsillectomy. Materials and methods: We retrospectively reviewed the charts of 541 consecutive patients who underwent adenotonsillectomy for OSAS secondary to adenotonsillar hypertrophy between January 2005 and January 2009. All of the charts for patients between 5 and 18 years of age at the time of surgery (n = 398) were included in the study. After reviewing the charts, the families were contacted by telephone. Those patients who had shown preoperative symptoms of enuresis were questioned to determine whether there had been any change in their complaints postoperatively. Results: Of the 398 patients whose records were reviewed, 98 were excluded from this study because of incomplete records. The incidence of ME in the study group (n = 300) prior to adenotonsillectomy was 30.7% (

  • The effect of ankaferd to stop bleeding in experimental partial nephrectomy

    Aims In kidney surgery, bleeding is one of the most important issues. In partial nephrectomy, as a “blood stopper”, we used surgycell and ankaferd which is used traditionally in Turkish medicine. Material and methods 24 Wistar-Albino rats were grouped randomly. Laparotomy was performed in the first group, sham group. In the second group, partial nephrectomy was performed to lower-kidney pole and then, serum physiology was given to the lower part of the kidney. In the third group, partial nephrectomy was performed and surgycell was given over the kidney. In the fourth group, partial nephrectomy was performed and then ABS was applied. In all groups, the gauze was weighted on sensitive lift before and after the operation in order to determine the amount of bleeding. After the subjects were left alive for 5 hours, the levels of blood urea, and creatinine and kidney histopathology were evaluated. Results No meaningful difference between the groups was found as for the levels

  • Hemoroid (basur) türleri nelerdir?

    Hemoroid, toplumda sıkça karşılaşılan ve hayat kalitesini olumsuz etkileyebilen bir sıhhat sıkıntısıdır. Basur olarak da bilinen hemoroid, anüs etrafındaki damarların şişmesiyle oluşur. Bu yazımızda, hemoroid tipleri ve belirtileri hakkında ayrıntılı bilgi bulabilirsiniz.


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